Friday, February 27, 2009

craftiness & good bread

We had a nice day at home. Everyone slept in until about 9:00 because it was cloudy, and that was a wonderful treat. We ate breakfast, and the kids played while I did some chores. Our lesson time on Fridays is always pleasant because the kids love anything about science. According to my curriculum, we were supposed to do more in-depth plant studies, but I decided to do a lesson about owls since everyone enjoyed Tanya's owl co-op class. We read the _Owl Babies_ book and did the owl fingerplays during our Circle time. I had pictures and facts about barn owls and barred owls, so we studied both kinds of owls & tried to imitate their sounds. Barn owls shriek and barred owls hoot. The shrieking got a little unbearable. My kids do a nice barn owl imitation. We also got out the measuring tape and looked at how (very) tall owls are, and how very wide their wingspans can be. For fun, I measured the "wingspans" on all of my kids. They loved it! Everyone drew pictures of barn owls and barred owls in their lesson books.
I re-read the _Quiltmaker's Gift_ to everyone, and we decided to make some paper quilts of our own. Everyone helped to cut out squares and rectangles from construction paper. When there were lots of little piles of squares and rectangles, Clover handed out glue sticks and the kids got to work. Nova lost interest after a few minutes, but everyone else worked with dedication for about an hour!

Nova helped with bread-baking while everyone else finished with paper quilt making. We already had beef stew in the crockpot, and it was wonderful to get the bread in the oven before Tim got home from work. Friday dinner always turns out good.


Tammy said...

Sounds like a wonderful and relaxed learning day. I love days like that...

The quilts are sweet. :)

Tammy said...

You have an award to pick up at my blog. :)