Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Day preparation co-op

We had a really fun co-op meeting on Friday. In preparation for May Day, we heard a beautiful story about the May pole. We also learned a new faery verse and a new song.

Our Spring candle is so beautiful!

~yoga in the woods~

~beautiful dancing woodland faeries~

For craft time, we made flags. This was a really easy and fun craft. We cut out squares and triangles of cloth and made slits in the side. We used ribbons or yarn to tie them onto sticks, and some of the kids added beads or bells. They were really cute running around waving their flags.

~visiting after Circle~

~snack time and story time~

~tree climbing~

After lots of free play time, lots of the kids settled down for one more craft: jingle anklets for wearing during our dance around the May pole!

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