We planted marigolds and vincas, lots of wildflower seeds, and okra in the front yard. My sunflower seeds had sprouted in the packet, so I have to get more of those tomorrow. They are my favorites & I'm getting this round in late.
The main work for me and Tim was papering & strawing the garden. We do this every year because we are lazy weeders. This makes for *much* less weeding work.
Broccoli and beet harvest!! And cabbage will be next!!!
Other things are growing around here, too! The hens are out in their hen yard during the day now. The discovery of mulberries was exciting for them! We have a huge mulberry tree that grows over the hen yard and drops tons of fresh berries.
Bonnie, the caterpillar is almost ready for her chrysalis days! She has grown SO much in the past few days. I've never seen something so (relatively) small eat so much! We put a handful of carrot tops in her jar every few hours! Just this morning, she stopped eating and is sitting very still on her stick. I can't wait to see her beautiful cocoon. We have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle every day.
And, ofcourse, these guys are growing like weeds!
Two of my favorite pictures of the day:
~marigold in croc~
~sweet pea flower~
Garden Blessings!
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