Tim bought an outdoor building which now functions as his "shop". He is having a blast organizing his tools, building shelves, and getting everything ready for carpentry work. The kids helped him this morning with various projects before running off to play in the warm sunshine. Nova wanted to learn how to ride the tricycle, and he had two very willing teachers.
We have about twenty gardening projects going on at the same time! Some of our seeds are now sprouts! Hurray! The yellow pear tomatoes and the black krim tomatoes are shooting right up. I'm so excited! We are working on clearing out and tilling, so that we can plant soon. My grandad brought over a huge pile of mulch this afternoon. We are going to make "paths" through the garden beds with the mulch, and cover the actual beds with straw so that the kids will have a good place to walk. I saw the idea in Clover's gardening book, _Roots, Shoots, Buckets, and Boots_ for brown "walkways" and golden "beds". This will hopefully help the kids remember where to walk. In past years, their excitement over helping with garden chores has led to some plant trampling, and I'm hoping that my plan is going to eliminate that problem (or atleast improve upon the situation). Tim and Grandad had lots of help with unloading the mulch...
What fun to be in a truck full of mulch!! Too cute! We heard the spring peepers last night for the first time this season....so exciting!
Sounds like a weekend filled with things kids (and adults!) love to do. :)
I'm excited your spring "peepers" are out! Maybe that means they will be here soon, too. YAY for spring!!
Great idea with the garden rows. And the Peepers are peeping here also :o) But, it's so hot I swear I can see the grass growing, maybe it will cover some of this red dirt from the construction!!! Hope Spring doesn't fly by too fast, I'm not ready for Summer just yet! BIG HUGS!
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